Experience yourself in a new way through transformative psychedelic therapies.

Find out if this is for you


Welcome to Toronto’s premier Psychedelic Therapy center.

If you’re suffering from chronic depression, you know how disheartening finding an effective treatment can be. Many traditional treatments such as prescription antidepressants or Electroconvulsive Therapy are hard on the body and may not lead to the lasting change you’re hoping for. 

If you’re ready to try something different, we believe we have a solution that could work for you: psychedelic-assisted therapy – a modern method of applying ancient, time-tested wisdom that has helped sufferers experience truly transformational effects.

Take The First Step

Every life-changing journey starts with one small step. Complete this short form to find out if our program is right for you. A Care Coordinator will follow up to discuss the program and next steps. If the Field Trip program is deemed a fit, an in-person consultation will be scheduled to get you started on your journey.

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How it works



You'll meet our team of psychiatrists and therapists. We’ll ensure you are suited for psychedelic-assisted therapy and tailor a custom treatment plan just for you.



Once our staff has developed an evidence-based treatment plan for you, we will guide you through exercises to set intentions for the results you wish to achieve.



Reframe negative thought patterns and begin the process of breaking old habits after a series of psychedelic-assisted therapy sessions held over several weeks.



Follow up with our psychotherapists to create a behaviour-change plan that will help you adopt healthier habits for a lasting change in your mood and wellbeing.



Continue your journey to healing at home. We’ll provide you tools, strategies, and online access to our team so you stay on track to experiencing a complete mental transformation.

Experience lasting change.

Unlike traditional antidepressants, which can take 3 to 4 weeks to take effect, psychedelic-assisted therapy can create meaningful change in just hours after your first session. Supervised by a team of seasoned, supportive psychiatrists and medical professionals, this holistic treatment serves as a catalyst that inspires the mind and body to begin a healing journey towards overcoming depression.

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